My Health 4 Life Program

My Health for Life Project

My health for life is a free, six-month program where you work with Cathy to make changes to lifestyle to achieve your health goals.

 To find out how to access these small group sessions contact us below. 

My Health for Life is a State government-funded initiative designed to help Queenslanders stay well and lessen their risk of developing conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

Find out more about the My Health for Life program – from the perspective of a participant in this interview between Cathy and one of our participants, Maureen. 

‘How did you hear about My Health for Life?’

‘My doctor recommended that I look at joining the program.’

‘How would you describe this program?’

My Health for Life includes other people with similar health-related issues who need support… the group provides a way to share ideas.’

‘What did you personally want to achieve from the program?’

‘I wanted to lose weight, reduce my blood sugars & be more active.’

‘What did you do throughout the program to achieve your goal?’

‘I monitored my progress. For example, I kept a food diary; was mindful of what I ate; & made good choices. Also, I planned situations. When eating out I would look at the menu beforehand & plan what I would have in advance.’

I saw a Physical Trainer & began training at the gym on 3 days a week. To this I added some cycling and walking of my own., trying to do some activity every day.

‘Did you find anything helpful?’

Seeing other health professionals such as a Dietitian & Exercise Physiologist in addition to attending the groups gave extra confidence & increased my skills.’

‘Were there any barriers or setbacks?’

  1. Fitting activity in around work hours is difficult. I have to be organized early in the morning or exercise before work just does not happen. Planning the night before is essential to pack clothes, food, etc
  2. Making excuses!

How did you go? What progress did you make over the course of the program?’

‘My blood pressure & blood sugar levels improved so that I am no longer considered “prediabetic.”

My weight reduced from 94.5kg to 85.7kg => 8.8kg (9.3%) weight loss. My waist circumference reduced by 10.5 cm.

Changes have occurred with everyday eating patterns. I eat more regularly than before. I choose healthy snacks & I take healthy snacks to work so I don’t resort to unhealthy choices.’

Were there unexpected benefits from the MH4L Program?’

‘Yes. My son has joined up for a fitness challenge. My husband has taken a greater interest in his own health & joins me in more physically active activities.’

‘What is your goal now?’

To lose even more weight towards a goal of 75kg and to keep off medication.’

‘Do you have a final message to others thinking about the My Health for Life program?’

‘Have an open mind. Be prepared to learn. Try all little steps suggested. If you fail don’t be deterred, pick up and keep on going.’

Thank you, Maureen

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