Weight Advice
Meaningful weight loss that reduces excess fat which stays off in the long term is not easy. It requires commitment & persistence.
For those who struggle with low body weight, gaining weight is just as difficult. An initial consultation with a several follow-up appointments is recommended.
Breast Cancer Nutrition
Nutrition is compromised by the presence of cancer and also its treatment. Side effects of treatment may include altered appetite, reduced food intake, taste changes, nausea & vomiting and more.
A consultation would include recommendations to manage symptoms & side effects, and would aim to reduce the impact of illness and treatment on nutritional status.
Exercise Nutrition
Eating well to fuel your body for exercise & fitness regimes is fraught with myth & misinformation. It is extremely difficult for the consumer to know what information is anecdotal and what is science; what food & products are appropriate to eat & which may in fact reduce performance.
Book in an exercise nutrition consultation today.

My Health For Life
Are you committed to improving your mental and physical wellbeing?
My health for life is a free health coaching program with a focus on helping you achieve your goals.
The My Health for Life program offers small group sessions every 2 weeks. It produces healthy lifestyle changes that persist, and are the starting point to a healthier you.
My Health for Life keeps you accountable and motivated to stay on track.
To see if you are eligible, contact Cathy Purcell 0480 446 412.
Telehealth Appointments
Nutrition Equipped is offering Telehealth as an alternative to face-to-face bookings and home visits. You can choose from an online Zoom meeting, or simply a Telephone call.
How do online consultations work?
Online consultations run in exactly the same way as a regular dietitian consultation. Online features allow documents to be shared & worked through together. All you need do to start the video consultation is to click the link provided in your appointment reminder.
Contact us using the form below to find out more.
About Cathy
Cathy Purcell is an Accredited Practising Dietitian with over 20 years of experience working in the public and private sector. She completed a Bachelor of Science at University of Queensland, Graduate Diploma at Queensland University of Technology and a Masters in Public Health at University of Queensland.
Cathy’s goal is to assist her clients to achieve optimal health outcomes by changing their nutrition. She is very interested in initiatives to maximize the health of our community & prevent ill health.
With 3 children of her own, Cathy understands the challenges of providing healthy food for a family within a budget. She has provided nutrition services to residential & aged care facilities and attends to clients of the Dept of Veteran Affairs.
The field of nutrition is awash with conflicting messages & advice. The Accredited Practising Dietitian credential is the only credential recognized by the Australian government.
Cathy has a keen interest in many areas of nutrition & will provide up to date & trustworthy advice to address your nutrition query. Her approach is caring, honest and client-directed.

Cathy Purcell
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